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active record

"active record"的翻译和解释


  • Each active record has methods to access each column , as well as methods to save , delete , or update the row
  • Active record forced me to build create - table sql scripts , tying me to an individual database implementation
  • Active record is a persistence model written in a non - java language that takes good advantage of that language s capabilities
  • Active record bucks many java conventions , from the typical configuration mechanisms to fundamental architectural choices
  • But i think active record has quite a large niche and will improve as the mappings supported by active record improve
  • I didn t think active record was up to the job , but i ve since learned that it offers everything i need for some problems
  • Other lightweight solutions , such as ibatis and the active record design pattern , don t try to do object - relational mapping at all
    其他轻量级解决方案,例如ibatis和active record设计模式,根本不会试图进行对象关系映射。
  • An offbeat alternative is martin fowler s active record design pattern : a design pattern that provides a wrapper around one row in a database table
    一个特殊的替代方案是martin fowler的有效记录设计模式,这种设计模式提供针对数据表中行的包装程序。
  • Ruby has rails , which has an active record framework that s much more dynamic and productive than the java technology solutions for many types of problems
    Ruby语言有rails ,后者有一个有效的记录框架。对于许多类型的问题,记录框架比java技术解决方案更加动态和高效。
  • In this article , the first in a series that aims to demonstrate these ideas , you ll look at active record , the persistence architecture at the heart of ruby on rails
    在演示这些理念的系列的第一篇文章,也就是这篇文章中,将讨论活动记录( active record ) ,它是位于ruby on rails核心的持久性框架。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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